
Here we engage challenges of provisioning and mobilising commons of digital tools and digitally mediated spaces, in practices of distributed organising and formaciĆ³n, making the Living economy.

We approach this in several aspects: - Trinity and extended trinity - Basic kinds of tools for peer-to-peer organiser-collaborators - Infrastructur(ing) - Tools on devices and tools on platforms - Spaces - Digitally mediated spaces, organised as commons - Commoning of spaces - Digital space and digital infrastructure as commons

'Tools' in a digital context tends to bring a focus on programs, apps, code. We mean to shift the emphasis to constellations of **running code**, all the way from the code repo via servers and broadband networks to the user's web browser on their device. We engage this as 'platform space' within which diverse kinds of contributions and mobilisations of resources are made, in practice and as part of various fields of practice. Spaces

We have a basic commitment to using FLOSS tools (free-libre open source software). The peer-to-peer production of FLOSS code is famously a commons. It's a narrow commons though, of geek producers, 'dogfooding' their own code. We are concerned with usages of code aka tools that are much broader. Thus, concerned with commons with far more diverse kinds of members. Hence, the challenge of practically provisioning, mobilising and stewarding a stack of commons composed of digitally mediated spaces Commoning of spaces

Our basic concern is the cultivation of capability in activist formations making the Living Economy; aka **formaciĆ³n**. Capability to organise and coordinate practice. Capability to know what they need to know. Capability to design, plan and vision. Capability to generate collective labour power, in activist formations and across formations, beyond the fragments. Dance of knowing

For scale, diversity and interweaving, formations of economic, cultural and political activist practice need infrastructures that are common. A focus on 'tools' is not eneough. It's also necessary to deal with which tools live on whose **devices**, and which tools live on what **platforms**; under what **social relations**. This is the practical business of Infrastructur(ing). Common infrastructures afford commoned spaces, for commoned practice. But how are digital infrastructures to be provisioned and held as commons? Commoning of spaces

Raid also some earlier thoughts: shared learning space, digital infrastructur(ing), vernacular wiki -

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